2024-2025 Valencia Vikings Choir Booster Board

Executive Board

Choir Director

Committee Chairs

Descriptions of Executive Board and All Committee Chair Positions

After an election process, officers assume their official duties on the last day of the current school year following their election.  Officers serve a one-year term. Officers may be elected for up to two consecutive terms in the same office.  A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board. 


The President is the principal executive officer of the organization and, subject to the control of the Executive Board, in general supervises and controls all of the activities of the organization. The President is a member of the Executive Board and, when present, presides at all meetings of the Executive Board and all meetings of the membership. The President votes only in the case of a tie in a vote of the Executive Board or the membership. The President selects and appoints the chairpersons of all Standing and Special Committees and is an ex-officio member of all committees of the organization.

The Executive Board meets monthly to prepare for general membership meetings and to conduct the affairs of the organization. A quorum of the Executive Board for the conduct of business consists of at least three (3) officers in attendance. 

Vice President

The Vice-President is a member of the Executive Board and, in the absence of the President, performs the duties of the President. The Vice-President performs such other duties as assigned by the President or the Executive Board.

The Executive Board meets monthly to prepare for general membership meetings and to conduct the affairs of the organization. A quorum of the Executive Board for the conduct of business consists of at least three (3) officers in attendance. 


The Secretary is a member of the Executive Board. The Secretary keeps the minutes of the proceedings of the membership and the Executive Board, sees that all notices are duly given in accordance with these Bylaws, is responsible for the publishing of meeting minutes, manages and keeps an accurate tally of the volunteer records and, in general, performs all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board. 

The Executive Board meets monthly to prepare for general membership meetings and to conduct the affairs of the organization. A quorum of the Executive Board for the conduct of business consists of at least three (3) officers in attendance. 


The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Board. The Treasurer is the authorized custodian to have oversight of all funds of the organization in accordance with the organization’s financial policies. The Treasurer organizes, documents, and records all financial activities. The Treasurer is diligent and conscientious in ensuring all funds are received and spent in accordance with the organization’s tax-exempt purpose, bylaws and budget. 

The financial records belong to the organization and must be available to the other officers and members upon request. The Treasurer: 

The Executive Board meets monthly to prepare for general membership meetings and to conduct the affairs of the organization. A quorum of the Executive Board for the conduct of business consists of at least three (3) officers in attendance. 

ASB Liaison/Bookkeeping

The ASB Liaison/Bookkeeping Chair works closely with the Director and the ASB to organize and keep track of ASB-related transactions as well as keep accurate statements of choir students' accounts. It is important to note that this is not technically a Booster position as ASB and Booster are separate entities. 

Skills: willingness/ability to help; organized; strong spreadsheet skills


Hours Needed: 2-3 hours a week of work as needed; about 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings

Active Months: Throughout the school year

Choir Awards Banquet Chair

The Choir Awards Banquet Chair spearheads a committee that works with the Director, Booster Board, and Choir Council to coordinate all needs regarding our year-end banquet. This includes reserving venue, coordinating with food vendor, equipment rentals, decorating along with choir council, coordinating/ordering awards with director, and coordinating volunteers.

Skills: willingness/ability to help; organized; good with vendor relations; light research; ability to delegate


Hours Needed:  Around April, this person should put together a committee and start working to secure a venue and date as well reach out to vendors. This will take a few hours weekly leading up to the actual event in May. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: April-May

Chaperones Chair

The Chaperones Chair heads the group of chaperones that accompany our students during Choir Festivals, Tours or any event where a chaperone is required. This person works with the Choir Director to get information out to all the Chaperones and vice versa.

Skills: willingness/ability to help; good communication skills; ability to delegate


Hours Needed:  This varies greatly depending on the event. Some trips require several days' commitment whereas other trips require a full day. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings.

Active Months: Throughout the school year

Communications Chair

The Communications Chair works with the Director, Booster Board, and Choir Council to make sure that all choir information is sent out to all parents and interested community members. This includes press releases, monthly newsletters, the choir website announcements, and social media. 

Skills: willingness/ability to help; organized; MailChimp knowledge a plus but not necessary; Instagram knowledge a plus but not necessary


Hours Needed: 1-2 hours a month. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: Throughout the school year

Concessions Chair(s)

The Concessions Chair takes care of the concessions table at each of the four concerts held throughout the school year. They coordinate concessions food donations, food purchases, concessions volunteers during concerts and events, and storage of all concessions items. This is a great position to have multiple co-chairs where each chair can take a different concert night. Valencia Choir always holds a Thursday and Friday concert.

Skills: willingness/ability to help; organized; good with money/giving change


Hours Needed:  For each concert: two hours per show (Thursday and Friday shows). If multiple chairs, each chair can take one night. Volunteers can also be assigned to the concessions table to help out. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: October (Halloween Show), December (Dessert Carol Night), January (Pop N' Rocks), April/May (Spring Concert)

Decorations Chair(s)

The Decorations Chair works with the Choir Council, Mrs. Mocha, and other parent volutneers to decorate event spaces for shows (i.e, decorating the stage for concerts, the MPR for events, etc.)

Skills: willingness/ability to help, great communication skills, organized, creative eye, crafting skills


Hours Needed: 2-3 hours monthly.  About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: Throughout the school year as needed

Festivals Chair(s)

The Festivals Chair works with the Director, school administration, Booster Board, and Choir Council to coordinate all needs regarding choir festivals and festival travel. This includes bus scheduling/driver scheduling, chaperones, festival times and schedule, festival applications and fees, and possible travel and hotel bookings.

Skills: willingness/ability to help; good communication skills; ability to delegate


Hours Needed:  5 hours or more a month during active months. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings.

Active Months: October, January, February, March, April (festival season)

Fundraiser Events / Sales Chair(s)

The Fundraiser Events/Sales Chair coordinates with the Choir Director, Booster Board, and Choir Council to put together fundraiser events like Dessert Carol Night with Silent Auction, Swing Night, America's Got Talent Taping, A Night in Little Italy, Solo Night at Pagter Brothers, etc. This includes scheduling, vendors, donations, door prizes, and volunteers.

This person also schedules the monthly Restaurant Night Fundraisers  held throughout the year.

Skills: willingness/ability to help, super organized; good with vendor relations; ability to delegate


Hours Needed:  5 hours or more a month. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: Throughout the school year

Hospitality Chair

The Hospitality Chair works with the Booster Board, and Choir Director on hosting Booster events such as Parent Socials, Volunteer Appreciation Night, etc.

Skills: willingness/ability to help, great communication skills, organized, great with event/party planning


Hours Needed: 2-3 hours monthly.  About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: Throughout the school year as needed

Publicity/Media Relations Chair(s)

The Publicity/Media Relations Chair works with the Choir Director, Booster Board, media outlets, local press, and vendors to promote the Choirs.

Skills: willingness/ability to help; relationship with media outlets, local press, and vendors; light research; writing skills


Hours Needed:  1-2 hours monthly. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: Throughout the school year

Holiday Boutique Chair

The Holiday Boutique Chair spearheads a committee that works with the Choir Director, Booster Board, and vendors to put together the annual Holiday Boutique event typically held just before the holidays.

Skills: willingness/ability to help; organized; good with vendor relations; light research; ability to delegate


Hours Needed:  Around September/October, this person should put together a committee and start working to secure a venue and date as well reach out to vendors. This will take a few hours weekly leading up to the actual event in November/December. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: September-December

Spiritwear and Merchandise Chair(s)

The Spiritwear and Merchandise Chair works with the Choir Director, Booster Board, and vendors to coordinate and schedule spiritwear and merchandise sales throughout the year. We typically schedule spiritwear sales twice during the year - in August and again just before or after the new year. We sell merchandise during our concerts.

Skills: willingness/ability to help, good with spreadsheets, good with vendor relations, light research


Hours Needed: A few hours as needed to coordinate with vendors and order items, about 5 hours to inventory items and sort for distribution or sale. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: Throughout the school year as needed

Sponsorship Chair(s)

The Sponsorship Chair works with local families and businesses, the Booster Board, and Choir Director on Sponsorships.

Skills: willingness/ability to help, great communication skills, organized


Hours Needed: 2-3 hours monthly.  About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: Throughout the school year as needed

Technology Chair

The Technology Chair works with the Director, Booster Board, and Choir Council to explore various technological needs of the Choir. This includes researching existing and latest forms of technology that would help make the Choir and the Booster run more smoothly.

Skills: willingness/ability to help; organized; technical knowledge; research and testing


Hours Needed:  Several hours a month. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: Throughout the school year as needed

Video Chair

The Video Chair records the choir's performances and edits and publishes the videos to the choir's YouTube page. 

Skills: willingness/ability to help; knowledge of video recording events and concerts; has access to decent recording equipment (video camera at 1080p or 4K quality, shotgun and/or cardioid mics, XLR to connect to the soundboard); has a good video editing software


Hours Needed:  For each concert: two hours per show (Thursday and Friday shows), 10-12 hours editing. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: October (Halloween Show), December (Dessert Carol Night), January (Pop N' Rocks), April/May (Spring Concert), as needed

Volunteers Chair

The Volunteers Chair works with the Director, Booster Board, and Choir Council to coordinate all volunteers needed throughout the year for choir concerts and events. We usually use Sign Up Genius to set up volunteer schedules and needs. The Volunteer Chair will also work with the director and school administrator to help parents interested in getting chaperone clearance through Hart District. 

Skills: willingness/ability to help; good communication skills; ability to delegate


Hours Needed:  1-2 hours a month. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings.

Active Months: Throughout the school year

Wardrobe Chair

The Wardrobe Chair works with the Director, Choir Students, and Booster Board to measure, order and distribute Concert Formal apparel (dresses and tuxedos). 

Skills: willingness/ability to help; organized; knowledge of how to measure for garment is a plus but not necessary


Hours Needed: Several hours in the beginning of the year (August, September) and mid-year (December, January) to help measure new  students and get wardrobe ordered, sorted, and distributed. About 2 hours monthly to attend board meetings. 

Active Months: August/September, December/January

Special Committees

Nominating Committee

The nominating committee is formed from the organization‘s membership March of each year. The purpose of the committee is to recommend various members of the organization for office in the coming school year. The nominating committee should be charged with soliciting recommendations for officer positions within the organization. The committee should then contact the potential candidate directly to ascertain their willingness and desire to serve. The nominating committee should report back to the membership on their results so that elections may be held.

Audit Committee

At the end of the fiscal year, an audit of the booster club‘s financial records should be conducted. The audit should be performed by  at least two individuals who are independent from day-to-day financial activities (i.e., not the President nor the Treasurer). The primary objectives of the audit are to:

The audit committee shall make a report to the general membership upon completion of the audit. Any discrepancies noted shall be brought to the attention of the president of the organization and a resolution reached prior to presentation. All officers of the organization shall make records available as requested by the committee. Suggested audit procedures are included in a later section of this manual.